The Statute of Limitations, How It Works and The Discovery Rule

If you’re filing a personal injury claim, one of the most important things to know is how much time you have to file a lawsuit. You don’t want to wait too long and lose the opportunity to seek compensation or damages from those who caused your injury. On the other hand, you don’t want to rush and make mistakes that could keep you from getting compensated for your injuries. Here’s what you need to know about personal injury statutes of limitations:

The Statute of Limitations is a set amount of time under which you can file a personal injury claim.

The statute of limitations is a set amount of time under which you can file a personal injury claim. It’s important to know what the statute of limitations is in your state, because if you don’t meet this deadline, then your case will be dismissed. There are different statutes of limitations for different types of claims, so it’s important to know whether yours falls under one or not (and if so, which one).

Most statutes of limitations vary from state to state—for example, some states have a two-year statute of limitation for medical malpractice claims while others have four years—and some states may even have an open-ended rule where there is no specific date by which they must be filed. These include personal injury cases.

Personal Injury – This refers specifically to cases where someone has been injured by another person’s negligence or wrongdoing (e.g., negligence)

The Discovery Rule Exception is an exception to the Statute of Limitations

The discovery rule is an exception to the statute of limitations. The discovery rule allows you to file a claim if you didn’t know about the injury or its cause until after the statute of limitations had expired. In other words, even though your car accident happened in 2003 and your injuries were discovered in 2011, you can still file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver who caused your accident as long as it was not due to his or her negligence.

The statute of limitations is the amount of time that you have to file a claim after an injury. It allows you to seek compensation for your losses and injuries, but if you wait too long to file, then the court may dismiss your case entirely.

Every state has its own laws regarding statutes of limitation; some states allow more time than others do. In some states, such as Alabama and Minnesota, there’s no statute at all—but many states require people who have suffered personal injuries to file their lawsuits within two years after their injury occurred (or three years if it happened on a holiday).

Your lawyer will help you understand the statute of limitations in your state and begin the legal process as soon as possible so that you can be compensated for any harm that was done by another person or entity’s negligence or carelessness.